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Know The Business, Not Just The Music

“The record business is just that, the record, Business.” -Dr.Dre

One of the many misconceptions Artists have about the music industry is that talent and skill is enough to make it and this is one of the most untrue things on earth. Although this is wrong, I can understand why people may believe that. Whenever we watch our idols, and we hear about their stories, we always hear about where they came from, some of their hardships and how talented and skilled and special they are. What we rarely ever hear is the business side. The mythology of an artist is always about his or her’s personal, emotional or historical struggle, but those struggles never involve the business side, as if it didn’t matter.

This is where people get the misconception that all they have to ever worry about is the artistry, not about being professional, or being business savy or knowing how a record deal works and so forth. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people give up, because they work and work on their craft but they don’t seem to see any results. Their views on Youtube isn’t going up, their following isn’t going up. This is what may lead some people to believe this other truth, that artists who make it were destined by God to make it. That it was pre written way before they were born and that the reason you’re not where you are is because this was not part of the plan for you.

This too is equally wrong, the reason you’re not making it isn’t you not working hard enough on your craft as an artist, it sometimes is the fact that you’re not doing the business side of things right, if not at all. It’s not enough to just be a dope rapper, singer, producer, you need to be a dope business man/woman as well.

So many times I hear people say, “Naw son, that shit on the radio is trash, I’m way better than those niggas,” or “Man I’m such a talented artist, why aren’t I as successful as so and so.” The reason why is maybe you’re not networking enough, you’re not showing up to gigs on time, you have no manager, no social media consultant or social media presence, the list can go on and on, and what relates to you depends on your specific situation. I mean if it all it took was talent, than why are you not on the radio, and Young Thug is? Why is it that Lil Uzi Vert is so terrible yet his known all over the Hip-Hop world, but you Mr. Lyrical miracle or Mr. I’m better than him remain unheard of. It might be because you don’t have a proper team, or you’re not running your business correctly.

So at the end of the day, the music you listen to, the artists you love, the concert you went to last night and enjoyed the fuck out of, the album that is the soundtrack to your life, would not all be there if there weren’t funding, planning, advertising and a whole bunch of business related shit. So do yourselves a favor artists, learn the business side of the industry on top of being the best artist you can be. I’m not saying try to do everything, that will wear you out, but at the very least, have some knowledge and understanding of what’s going on around you, business wise. I mean, after all, you are the main act, so shouldn’t you have some power over it all.

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21 de jan. de 2024

To succeed in the business, you need to learn the business inside and out!

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